Monday, June 15, 2009

In Defense of the Private Economy

I have started a busines meet up group called The Art of Handcrafted Production, I also welcome anyone with an interest in the fate of the private economy. So far I am the only member. I invited the writer and economist Charles Lawton to join, after reading his article about the growth of government jobs and wages in Maine, which exceeds the growth of private economy jobs- posted here on my meet up discussion board. Mr. Lawton didn't join but I received a call from the small business administration to ask how they can help our business, which came down the pipeline from Mr. Lawton, who is apparently related to the head of the national small business administration. I am not yet sure what that actually means- but it shows that if we make the effort, we can get a response.

I have also posted a discussion about the new campaign started last week by the National Chamber of Commerce- a Campaign for the Defense of the Private Economy. The Chamber is on the same page as my own effort and will be working with grass roots organizations.

I have started this meet up because the economy is at the front of a social war. Many feel that the private economy is under attack. The government created a big stimulus program and all we got was the lousy debt and more and more taxes. Not only does the growth of government jobs outstrip the growth of Maine's private economy, but we are also one of the states with the highest number of non-profit organizations. Both government and non-profits derive their financial support from the private economy so something is seriously wrong with this picture - but it's not going to change unless the people demand it.

Please join in the private economy grass movement. If our economy has a sustained recovery, it will be because of the ingenuity within the private economy- despite the actions of our government-or at least until we can get our government to understand that it is in their interests to support the growth of the private economy.