Saturday, November 01, 2014

     Preserving The American Political Philosophy: Why Maine Should Say NO to Bonds!

I finished my analysis of the bonds on the Maine ballot that I started yesterday. All but one of the bonds are to be dispersed through the corporate network of Maine State Inc -in other words they are a hidden means of under writing the ongoing operation of an unconstitutional state corporation- My analysis explains why, in my opinion, that is a very bad idea. The ONE bond which will not be dispersed by the corporate state is the bond in support of clean water. This will be dispersed as a real state function and benefits all of the people equally. In my research of the 2013 legislative session, I saw that it is difficult for a bill supporting environmental concerns to compete against the business interests of the corporate state and so I think it would be real "social justice" to support the clean water bond and nix all the rest. Bond Question #7 is for a good cause- a lobster processing facility but is still a special interest and should be done through the private sector. It seem