Monday, August 03, 2009

Constitutional Watchdog

I was watching Glenn Beck with half an eye and working on my computer with the other when I heard Glenn talking about a new function on his website called Constitutional Watchdog.

If you are concerned about the rapid transformation of this once free union of states into a land controlled by one huge federal bureaucratic oligarchy, then Glenn is asking you to operate as a roving private sector investigator. Beck suggests selecting a specific focus for your investigation and requests that you report on your findings to GB headquarters, Constitutional Watchdog.

As those who follow Beck know, Glenn’s show is an ongoing narrative about the transformation currently undergoing in The United States and around the globe. Beck believes that our community organizer-president is constructing an alternate government network while simultaneously instituting programs that will undermine the constitution of the United States and weaken us a nation. As I write, the words strike me like an extremist point of view, and yet, everywhere I go people are concurring to a surprising degree in a state that voted for Obama in the national election. People are waking up at last to what lies beneath the smooth persona that Americans elected to the presidency of this great nation.

My area of choice is online agreements, which also happened to be the topic of the day, sent to Beck via a citizen alert. The online agreement discussed by Beck is found at as part of the Cash for Clunkers campaign run by the federal government. Beck strongly advises against logging on to since the online agreement states that while logged on the visiting computer becomes government property. Potentially this allows the government access all the files on one’s computer. One might ask why does the government own my computer because I access a government site- but as far as I know, no reason is given. This is the nature of online agreements in which a powerful organization, company- or in this case, the federal government, dictates the terms to all the users on a take it or leave it basis, often throwing in mysterious mandates for which the powers that be admit of no need to justify.

Now I have seen the Cash for Clunkers coverage on CNN. CNN is discussing how you can find out if your “clunker” qualifies. CNN is telling the public that you can find out by going to CNN does not mention the terms of agreement, which specifically states “"This application provides access to the DoT CARS system. When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a Federal computer system and is the property of the U.S. Government." There is only a nudge to hurry up and do it because the first money is already running out and maybe Congress will not approve more- so rush rush rush to get yours.

Every bit of our money that the government is spending has strings attached if and
when the government gives any of it back to the people. The strings attached to the “Stimulus” funds transfer power from the states to the federal government ( See suggested Maine State Sovereignty Resolution Here). The Cash for Clunkers takes the privacy rights from those who skip reading the Terms of Service Agreement before logging onto the DoT.CARS system. We all know that with the plethora of online agreements connected to ubiquitous online functions that it has become common practice to accept the terms of agreement without reading it. The online Terms of Agreements are one-sided , written in the interest of one party. I some instances they claim rights that can be legally challenged provided there are those who want to use the court system for that purpose and judges that will fairly hear the cases. Even our courts are politically influenced by the powerful and often the dockets are overwhelmed.

This is why I have chosen online agreements as my Constitutional Watchdog focus.

I sent my first alert to Glenn Beck as soon as I heard the announcement of Constitutional Watchdog and then I started a topic on my meetup group The Art of Handcrafted Production. I do not know if my alert will get the attention of the Glenn Beck Show since there are so many people writing to Glenn Beck. That is why we need many Constitutional Watchdog sites to publish citizen reports. I expect that others will have the same idea and so, as I discover other sites that are part of the Constitutional Watchdog movement, I will list them on this site.

More on the first alert that I sent to Glenn Beck in my next posting.
In the meantime I invite others to list their areas of focus or their websites in theintroduction topic at The Art Of Handcrafted Production.